Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fall is the Best Time for Overseeding Tulsa Lawns

Is your Tulsa lawn looking a little worn-out? Grass starts to get old and look weary, thin, and brown due to heat or simply the passing of time. In this weakened condition, weeds can easily take over a lawn.

Overseeding your Tulsa lawn with new grass seed can help to revive your landscape and make it look vibrant and new again. Overseeding is the practice of spreading a layer of new grass seed over your existing turf.  This new layer of grass will fill in any bare spots in your Tulsa lawn and help it to stay healthy.

There’s also another benefit to overseeding your Tulsa lawn in the fall. “…overseeding with a cool-season grass in the fall ensures that you will have a green lawn during the winter months,” the University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources division noted.

When is the best time to overseed or reseed? Fall is an opportune time because the soil is still warm enough for seeds to germinate in. Meanwhile, the air temperature is getting cooler, making it more difficult for weeds to grow and choke out the new grass. Cooler temperatures also mean a decrease in insects and disease to harm the new seeds. Thus, with adequate watering and fertilization, the new seeds can start to germinate before winter.

By overseeding your Tulsa lawn, it will become more resistant to diseases, weeds, and drought. Thus, a healthy lawn will need less water, fertilizer, and pesticides. So, a little overseeding now will be a big help in having a thick and green lawn in the spring.

Before you overseed, you will want to cut your grass lower than you usually do to allow more room for the new seeds to grow and to allow more sunlight to reach them. Remove any clippings and thatch in the lawn. It’s helpful to aerate your lawn, removing core patches of dead grass and soil, to allow more oxygen, water, and nutrients to reach the roots.

After you spread or broadcast your new seed over the turf, lightly rake the lawn to help the seeds germinate in the soil. Apply a good fertilizer to the lawn to help the new seed grow strong. Many also recommend spreading enriched soil or a thin layer of compost over the seeds to supplement the soil, but it’s important to apply just a thin layer so as to not smother the new seeds before they can grow.
Watering is vital. Water the lawn immediately after overseeding, keeping the lawn damp but not flooded. Continue to irrigate the seeds several times a day for several weeks. After the seeds have begun to grow, you can water less frequently. Wait to mow the grass until it reaches about 3 inches high.

These simple steps to overseed your Tulsa lawn will help get it ready for winter so that your landscape can look lush and beautiful in the spring and remain healthy. Oklahoma Landscape in Tulsa offers complete overseeding services as well as fertilization and weed control to help maintain a green an attractive lawn.

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