Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tips to Successfully Control Weeds in Your Tulsa Garden

Weeds are one of the main enemies of every gardener and landscaper. What can Tulsa gardeners do to control weeds?

weed control tulsaA thriving lawn and garden is one of the best defenses against weeds. Robust plants and grass in the landscape can prevent weed seedlings from getting the sunlight and nutrients they need to develop and grow.

And essential to resilient plants and grass is well-fertilized soil. You can test the pH levels of your soil with a DIY kit or many times, by taking it to your local agricultural cooperative. Then you can see what nutrients your soil may be lacking. Good lawn fertilization for your Tulsa landscape can go a long way to preventing weeds by creating a lush garden and lawn.

Speaking of robust plants, species that are native to the Tulsa area are more likely to be hardy and prosper in Oklahoma weather. Because native plants flourish more easily than other species, they can be very effective in crowding out weeds and their seedlings. Weeds endeavor to grow where there is an open space, so the more plants you have that grow well, the easier it will be to control weeds. If you purchase plants in a container, check to ensure the soil is free of weeds so that you don’t accidentally bring in more weeds.

tulsa weed control tipsLike other plants, weed seeds need sunlight to grow, so adding mulch frequently to your Tulsa garden can help to deprive weeds of needed sunlight while helping to keep the soil cooler and help it to retain moisture. Some organic mulches can also contain insects that eat the weed seeds, finegardening.com reported; however, it also noted that some mulch can have weed seeds in them. When buying or making compost, check to see whether it was composted to a temperature of 140 F to 150 F, the website noted, to ensure the weed seeds were killed before they reached your garden. Mulch should be kept about 2 inches deep in your garden. Too much mulch could prevent the soil from getting enough oxygen.

Pull weeds out of the soil after a good rain to make it easier to weed your garden. However, finegardening.com recommends hoeing weeds when the soil is dry, slicing the weeds just below the soil line with a sharp-edged hoe. Be careful to not dig or till the soil too much to prevent weed seeds deeper in the soil from germinating.

These are just some of the everyday things you can do to prevent weeds from taking over your Tulsa garden. Oklahoma Landscape offers a complete Tulsa weed control and lawn fertilization program to take all the hassle out of weed control for homeowners as well as business.

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