Monday, October 7, 2013

Outdoor Living Trends for 2013 - Tulsa Outdoor Environments Popular

outdoor environments tulsa
Outdoor environments are increasing in demand, not only in Tulsa, but nationally according to a survey done by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).

“American homeowners are increasingly drawn to adding outdoor rooms for entertaining and recreation on their properties,” ASLA reported. “The category of outdoor living spaces, defined as kitchens and entertainment spaces, received a 94.5 percent rating as somewhat or very popular.”

In the Outdoor Living Features category, outdoor fire pits and fireplaces ranked the most popular additions, followed by grills and seating/dining areas. With so many options and features in outdoor environments, it’s no wonder that these have become major aspects of home improvement in recent years. Today, outdoor fireplaces can be custom-designed using a variety of beautiful materials to complement a home, and they can have installed and ornate seating to perfectly enjoy entertaining guests by the fire during the fall and winter months.

Outdoor kitchens in Tulsa can be customized to fit your cooking and entertaining lifestyle with stainless still grills and other appliances like pizza ovens, refrigerators, and more. Many outdoor kitchens have marble countertop bar areas for guests to have additional seating and allow the cook or host to be near guests while watching the grill.

Why are outdoor living spaces becoming so popular?

“In this uncertain economy, homeowners want to get more enjoyment out of their yards,” ASLA Executive Vice President and CEO Nancy Somerville, Hon. ASLA said. “They want attractive outdoor spaces that are both easy to take care of and sustainable.”

outdoor kitchens tulsaYes, staycations have become an ideal way to relax and have family fun without the stress and expense of traveling. Many homeowners are adding movie theaters, televisions, and WiFi to their outdoor living space so that they don’t miss a minute of the game or can watch a movie while swimming in their custom pool. These areas are great for children’s parties, business events, or just a weekend with friends.

Decorative water elements like waterfalls, grottos, ornamental pools, and splash pools were also in high demand for home landscapes, ASLA noted, followed by spa features and swimming pools in the Outdoor Recreation Amenities category. Terraces, patios, and decks ranked high as popular Outdoor Structures. The practical and aesthetic value of these structures is evident when you think of entertaining or just relaxing in your backyard. They also add significant value to your home and property, making them a great investment.

Among the trends in outdoor living for 2013 were sustainable and low-maintenance design as the nation continues to increase its awareness on green living. “Americans still prefer such practical yet striking design elements for their gardens as low-maintenance landscapes (93.9 percent),” ASLA said.

Landscaping with sustainable design can include using native or drought-tolerant plants, drip irrigation, permeable paving, reduced lawns, xeriscaping, rooftop gardens, organic gardens, and more. Many people are opting to add vegetable and food gardens including orchards and vineyards to their landscape to help keep their family eating healthy.

As Americans continue to see the need to ‘find yourself outside’ and reconnect with the serenity and beauty of nature, as well as to get the most from their home and landscape, the demand for complete outdoor environments and sustainable living will increase.

Learn more about the Outdoor Living Trends for 2013 at

For more information on landscape design including outdoor environments like outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, pools, and patios for your Tulsa home, visit

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