Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Building a Pet-Friendly Tulsa Landscape

Often, our pets become part of the family. So as our family spends more time outside during summer, we want our pets to also enjoy their outdoor environment as we do ours. How can you create a pet-friendly Tulsa landscape design? Here are a few tips...

The term “dogscaping,” has become more popular. This refers to landscaping with your dog in mind. As we know, dogs love to play, so we can help them get more exercise (and often prevent them from creating their own path), by building a dog run path by the perimeter of your property along a fence using materials like wood chips, wood planks, pavers, or decomposed granite. It’s good to use materials that will not get too hot for your dog’s paws.
petfriendly tulsa yards
Some plants can actually be harmful to animals including aloe, daisies, daffodils, and gardenias. Check with the ASPCA, your veterinarian, or your local Cooperative Extension for a complete list plants that are dangerous to animals. It’s good to avoid using plants with stickers or thorns. Also, be careful with pesticides and other chemicals that are harmful to animals. Some types of mulch, like cocoa mulch, can be toxic to dogs if eaten, so check with your local veterinarian before picking out a mulch.

Especially in the heat of summer, dogs will need a place to cool off and relax from the heat. A dog house of course provides a nice shelter, but strategically-placed trees and shrubs can also provide a comfortable area for shade. A nice arbor or pergola can be the shade both you and your pet need to stay out of direct sunlight. A small pond or other water feature designed especially for your pet can be a fun and relaxing way for him to cool off and stay hydrated. However, make sure they can easily get out of the water feature or pond.

A fence is usually a must with dogs and many other pets. Make sure the fence is tall enough so that your dog doesn’t get out and that the space between the slats doesn’t allow room for your dog to get his head stuck in. Planting shrubs and flowers along your fence line can help to decorate the fence and help it complement your landscape.

Planting ornamental grasses and hardy shrubs around the edge of your garden along with a border of rocks can help to prevent rowdy animals from ruining a garden or flower bed. Using a raised garden bed can also be helpful to keep out playful pets. Creating a designated “digging area” for your canine friend can prevent him from digging holes all throughout your landscape. You can fill this area with soft soil and sand or cedar or wood chips for them to dig in.

These are just a few of the many ways you can create a more pet-friendly backyard. Talk with the Tulsa landscape designers at Oklahoma Landscape for more ideas on pet-friendly landscape design or dogscaping. And always talk with your pet’s veterinarian before planting, using mulch, or using chemicals in your outdoor environment to make sure you know exactly what is safe for your animals.

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